Catch all emails

Virtual SMTP servers from Mailosaur

Image of man on laptop and illustration of server linking to emails connected to Mailosaur

Capture every email your product sends for effortless email and SMS testing.

Image of man on laptop and illustration of server linking to emails connected to Mailosaur
SMTP credentials window
SMTP credentials window

How to test using Mailosaur’s SMTP server

Copy & paste your SMTP credentials

Find these in the server settings screen, and paste them into your product's settings.

Send your first email

Any email you send via SMTP will be captured by Mailosaur, regardless of email addresses used.

Start testing

Watch as your emails instantly appear within your Mailosaur account.

Capture every email your product sends during development and QA

  • Mailosaur’s dummy SMTP servers capture every email you send, meaning an email will never be accidentally sent to a real customer by mistake.

Illustration of emails linking to Mailosaur dashboard running tests
Email illustration on a gradient background with image of man on laptop with testing frameworks logos

Improve the quality of your emails

  • Securely access any email from the Mailosaur Dashboard, to preview how it looks on any device and analyze your content for errors or issues.

New message
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Unlimited email addresses

Unable to change your SMTP settings?

With Mailosaur, you can test easily just by using your unlimited number of unique email addresses for every project, team, developer, test, etc. without the need for SMTP (although it is often easier!).

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