Test links & verification codes

Peace of mind that you are sending exactly what you mean to

Email and mobile illustration with promo code notification and image of a woman on a laptop

Quickly check and test your emails and SMS for broken links and codes quickly and easily.

Email and mobile illustration with promo code notification and image of a woman on a laptop
Email and mobile phone illustration with pass and error notifications on purple gradient background
Email and mobile phone illustration with pass and error notifications on purple gradient background

Whether it’s a link to a landing page, a password reset, or anything in between, broken links are a headache that can affect not only your customer interactions, but also your brand reputation.

Email and mobile phone illustration with messages displaying pass or fail notifications and the Mailosaur logo

Check your journey is seamless

While your initial link might work perfectly, it is hard to know if the entire customer journey works from start to finish. Mailosaur enables end-to-end testing that gives full transparency into what your users will experience.

Email and mobile phone illustration with messages displaying pass or fail notifications and the Mailosaur logo
Laptop illustration with dashboard showing numbers, bar chart and line graphs
Laptop illustration with dashboard showing numbers, bar chart and line graphs

Ensure tracking is working

Check that your tracking parameters are being carried throughout the whole customer journey so you have a complete understanding of how well your campaign is doing and can optimize effectively.

Mobile with one time passcode message and notification and number input dialog

Test verification codes

Verification codes are a vital part of ensuring the safety and security of your customers. Make sure they work as planned every single time, giving complete trust in your automations.

Mobile with one time passcode message and notification and number input dialog