Moving from manual QA to QA automation

Have you been considering a switch from manual to automated QA testing? It could be a great move for your career. Sure, it might take some time to learn new skills and tools, but the benefits could be well worth the effort. So why not take the leap and explore the possibilities of a career in QA Automation.

Have you been considering a switch from manual to automated QA testing? It could be a great move for your career.

Along with significantly more job opportunities and higher salaries, automated testing allows testers to focus on more creative and complex testing scenarios, making the work more engaging. As more and more companies use automation, your skills and experience in this area will become increasingly valuable. Plus, automated testing allows you to test software more thoroughly and accurately compared to manual testing.

Sure, it might take some time to learn new skills and tools, but the benefits could be well worth the effort. So why not take the leap and explore the possibilities of a career in QA Automation.

Skills and Knowledge Required

Programming Languages

When it comes to automation, the most used programming languages include Python, Java, and JavaScript. These languages are popular because of their versatility and ease of use. However, having coding skills is crucial to creating and maintaining automated tests. Being able to write code allows you to customize and tailor your tests to your specific needs, saving time and effort in the long run. Additionally, having knowledge of programming languages can make you a valuable asset to any team who is using automation technology.

So, if you're interested in the field of automation, brush up on your coding skills and start exploring these programming languages.

Test Automation Tools and Frameworks

Automation tools have become increasingly important in streamlining the testing process. Among the most popular automation tools are Selenium and Appium. Selenium is widely used for web-based software testing, while Appium is used for automating mobile app testing. But merely knowing these tools is not enough to ensure efficient software testing. Understanding testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG is just as critical as the tools themselves. Testing frameworks provide a structured approach to testing, allowing for more efficient and comprehensive testing coverage. By combining popular automation tools with testing frameworks, you can not only streamline your testing processes but also hugely reduce testing times.

Getting comfortable and experienced with as many as you can is important for anyone working in the field of test automation, as it can help you determine which is right for your specific needs and goals.

Version Control Systems

When it comes to collaborating with others on software development projects, version control systems have become essential tools for success. One of the most popular options available is Git, a distributed revision control system that allows developers to keep track of changes made to code and collaborate effectively. With Git, teams can work together seamlessly, avoiding conflicts and ensuring everyone is working on the most up-to-date version of the codebase. Whether you are working on an open-source project or in a corporate setting, being familiar with version control systems like Git is a must for efficient and effective collaboration and code management.


APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces are essential tools giving developers the ability to interact with external systems and services. This offers limitless possibilities for development teams to create new applications and integrate existing systems. However, with this power comes the responsibility to ensure that APIs are functioning as intended.

This is where API testing comes into play. It is imperative to understand the basic concepts and principles of API testing, such as validating responses, handling errors, and inspecting data. By using tools like Postman, developers can send requests and receive responses from APIs with ease and efficiency, regardless of language or platform. API testing has become increasingly relevant in the automation workflow, allowing developers to identify and fix issues quickly and efficiently. Overall, understanding APIs and their testing is critical to building robust and reliable software applications.

Steps to Making the Switch

Self Assessment

Conducting a self-assessment is a great place to start when making the move from manual QA to QA automation. Look at your existing skills and knowledge gaps to identify areas where you may need to improve. Once you've identified these gaps, set clear goals for transitioning to automation. Having a plan in place will help you stay focused and motivated. And don't be afraid to ask for help along the way. With determination and a can-do attitude, you'll be well on your way to mastering QA automation.

Learn to Code

Start by learning a programming language commonly used in QA automation:

Python: Python is widely used in automation because of its simplicity and readability. Online resources like Codecademy, Coursera, edX, and the Python official documentation can help you get started.

Java: Java is another popular language in the QA automation field. You can find Java tutorials on websites like Codecademy, Udemy, and Oracle's Java documentation.

Coding Exercises and Challenges

To build coding proficiency, practice coding challenges on platforms like:

LeetCode offers a wide range of coding challenges and contests that can improve your problem-solving skills.

HackerRank provides coding challenges in various domains, including algorithms, data structures, and more.

Codewars offers coding katas to sharpen your programming skills in a fun and interactive way.

Hands-On Projects

Apply what you've learned by working on real-world automation projects. Create automated test scripts for websites or applications and try to automate repetitive tasks to enhance your practical knowledge and start building your portfolio.

Online Forums and Communities

Engage with QA automation communities on Stack Overflow, Reddit's Quality Assurance, Ministry of Testing and TestGuild to ask questions, and learn from experienced professionals.

Remember that transitioning to QA automation may take time and consistent practice. Start with the basics, gradually progress, and don't hesitate to seek help from online communities or mentors. Building a portfolio of projects and demonstrating your automation skills can be invaluable when looking for QA automation positions.

Practical tips to help the switch go smoothly

Transitioning from manual testing to QA automation may seem daunting at first, but with a few practical tips, the process can be smoother than you think.

Start Small

Starting small is key to success. It's best to begin with simple automation tasks, such as automating a repetitive task or creating a basic regression test. By mastering these simpler tasks first, you'll build the confidence and skills necessary to tackle more complex scenarios. It's essential to remember that it's a gradual process, and even the most experienced professionals started with small automation tasks.

Continuous Learning

One of the most important things to keep in mind is the importance of continuous learning.

Automation tools and industry trends are constantly changing, so make sure to stay updated. Whether it’s participating in webinars, attending workshops, or going to conferences, there are plenty of opportunities to learn and stay informed. Being knowledgeable and up to date on the latest automation tools and techniques can help make the transition much smoother and more successful. So, keep learning and stay ahead of the competition.

Embrace Challenges

Transitioning from manual testing to QA automation can be a daunting task, but it’s important to embrace the challenges that come with it. There may be initial difficulties and even failures along the way, but don’t let that discourage you. Instead, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. In the end, the benefits of QA automation far outweigh any temporary setbacks. With automation, you’ll save time, improve efficiency, and catch bugs earlier in the development cycle. So, keep an open mind, stay organized, and don’t give up. The rewards are worth it.

Be active in the QA automation communities

Seeking guidance can be a game changer. Don’t be afraid to reach out to experienced automation testers or mentors for advice. They can offer valuable insight and answer any questions you may have about making the switch. Another great option is to join QA automation communities where you can connect with like-minded individuals and gain support through knowledge sharing. By talking to those who have already gone through the process, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the transition with confidence and achieve success in your new role.

Interview Preparation

Here are a few practical tips that can help you ace those interviews and land your dream QAA job.

  • Remember to highlight your automation skills on your CV and cover letter. This will show potential employers that you have the necessary skills and experience in the field.

  • Take the time to prepare for technical interviews by practicing coding challenges. Showing your ability to code and automate in various situations will impress interviewers and can ultimately land you your dream job.

  • Be sure to discuss real-world examples of automation implementation during interviews. This will show interviewers that you have hands-on experience and can implement successful automation strategies.

It can be daunting to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change. However, the opportunity for growth in QA automation roles is not to be overlooked. The future of automation is bright and there is ample potential for those who decide to pursue a career in this field. The demand for skilled professionals in QA automation is only increasing, and with the right skills and mindset, the possibilities are endless. Embrace change, seize the opportunities, and build a successful career in QA automation.

Automated Testing with Mailosaur

As you dive in deeper to automated testing, sign-in and onboarding flows are both great candidates for test automation due to their frequent testing needs and the potential impact of undetected issues, as well as throwing up some real problems.

When you find yourself needing to carry out email and SMS end-to-end tests, consider using Mailosaur. It integrates seamlessly with test automation frameworks like Cypress and Playwright to validate the accuracy and completeness of email and SMS confirmations and makes the whole process much easier.

If you have any questions at all contact us today.