Accessibility matters - Testing emails for an inclusive user experience

In today's digital age, creating inclusive user experiences is more important than ever. Accessibility ensures that individuals with disabilities can access and interact with digital content without barriers. While many focus on website accessibility, it is equally crucial to prioritize accessibility in email communications. Here we will explore the significance of testing emails for accessibility and provide insights into creating fully inclusive email experiences.

Understanding email accessibility

Email has become one of the most common ways we communicate in both our personal and professional lives, and it is essential that everyone can access, read and engage with their emails. Inaccessible emails can create significant challenges for individuals with visual impairments, cognitive disabilities, and motor disabilities.

By prioritizing email accessibility, we can encourage an inclusive digital environment that enables seamless communication for all users, and make sure that no one is left behind in this digital age.

Common accessibility issues and solutions

Accessibility issues in emails can negatively impact the user experience for individuals with disabilities and other diverse needs. Here are a few of the most common issues, and some simple solutions you can put in place today:

Illegible text

Illegible text can occur due to small font sizes, poor color contrast, or inappropriate font choices. To address this issue, it is important to use plain and accessible fonts that are easy to read. Choose appropriate font sizes that are legible across different devices and platforms. Ensure sufficient color contrast between the text and background to enhance readability for individuals with visual impairments.

Inadequate alt text

Alt text is crucial for conveying the meaning and context of images to users who cannot see them, such as those with visual impairments or individuals using screen readers. To provide meaningful alt text, describe the content and purpose of the image concisely and accurately. Avoid using generic phrases like "image" or "photo" and provide descriptive text that captures the essential information the image conveys.

Improper use of tables

Tables can present accessibility challenges if not designed correctly. Improperly structured tables can confuse screen readers and hinder the understanding of tabular data. To ensure accessibility, use appropriate HTML markup for tables, including table headers (), row headers (), and data cells (). Use proper table structure and provide clear labels and headers to aid navigation and comprehension for users relying on assistive technologies.

Inaccessible Interactive Elements

Interactive elements such as links and buttons need to be accessible and navigable using a keyboard. This allows users who cannot use a mouse to navigate and interact with the email content effectively. Additionally, ensure that interactive elements have proper labeling and instructions for clarity and ease of use.

Structure your content

Make sure you utilize the tags for your headlines and

tags for your paragraphs. This helps to define the hierarchy of the content, and make it easier for recipients with screen readers to navigate. Also, if possible, especially when delivering long form copy, left-align your text rather than centering it. This makes it easier for those with dyslexia and reading impairments to navigate the content.

By addressing these accessibility issues in emails, you can improve the overall user experience for all recipients regardless of their physical or mental challenges.

Benefits of email accessibility

Prioritizing email accessibility offers numerous advantages that positively impact both the audience and the organization. Here is an expanded explanation of the benefits:

Compliance with accessibility regulations

Many countries have established accessibility regulations and laws that require organizations to provide equal access to digital content, including emails. Prioritizing email accessibility ensures compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and potential penalties. By adhering to accessibility standards, organizations demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility.

Reach a wider audience

Making emails accessible allows everyone in your audience, regardless of any disabilities or assistive technologies they may have access to, to receive and understand your messages. By ensuring email accessibility, organizations can reach a wider audience.

Enhanced User Engagement

Accessible emails provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for all recipients. When emails are accessible and easy to navigate, users can interact with the content effortlessly. This improves user engagement as individuals can fully understand the information, click on links, and take desired actions. Engaged users are more likely to respond positively to emails, increasing the chances of conversions, click-throughs, and customer loyalty.

Positive Brand Reputation

Prioritizing email accessibility demonstrates an organization's commitment to inclusivity and equal access. When individuals with disabilities perceive that a brand values their needs, it fosters a positive brand reputation. Word-of-mouth recommendations and positive experiences shared by diverse users can further enhance the organization's reputation as an inclusive and socially responsible entity. This can result in increased customer trust, loyalty, and a competitive edge in the market.

Testing email accessiblity

Email testing tools like Mailosaur are valuable resources for ensuring the quality, compatibility, and accessibility of all email communication with customers. These tools offer various features and functionalities to assist in email testing and optimization including:

By utilizing these tools, you can identify and address rendering issues, optimize email deliverability, and create a seamless, accessible and engaging experience for recipients.

It is crucial to complement automated tools with manual testing. It involves reviewing the email's code, evaluating its visual appearance, and testing interactions. A checklist of accessibility considerations, including font sizes, color contrast, heading structure, helps ensure comprehensive testing.

Involving users with different needs in the testing process whenever possible is invaluable. They can provide insights into real-world usage scenarios, identify potential barriers, and offer suggestions for improvement. Inclusive user testing allows organizations to validate the accessibility of their emails from the perspective of the end-users.

Start testing your email accessibility today with Mailosaur

Contact us today to learn about how our suite of products including email testing and email previews can help you make sure your emails are accessible to all your customers.